Likes Follows

Photo/Video/Status Likes: 2,500 $90 (40% discount)

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What are post likes?

Anything that you post to your Facebook profile or fan page is a status or a post, whether its a photo, a video, a poll, or simply a status. As long as it is posted to your Facebook page/profile, it is a post, and we can help you increase your likes for that post.

Can you work on my status/photo/video?

It's best to contact us so we can see your status and verify that we can work with it. Please make sure it is available to the public, or else we won't be able to work with it. Here's a post on Facebook about how to make a post available to the public. If you have a Facebook fan page, also make sure your fan page has no restrictions; here's a post on Facebook about how to remove restrictions.

Can you work with a specific photo in album?

Yes, absolutely. Just make sure you follow the above instructions first and link us to the photo in your album that you'd like us to promote.

Can you help me get likes for a contest I want to win?

Yes. However, if you have a tight deadline, we can't guarantee that we will get your likes to you within your deadline. We also can't guarantee that you will win your contest, and we will not give you a refund if you don't win your contest. Please do not order our marketing services if you are on an extremely tight deadline or will want a refund if you don't win your contest; our terms of service prohibit refunds on services rendered.

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Let's grow your Facebook profile! We put a rush on all orders and start them within 24 hours. If you have a question that isn't on our FAQ page, please reach out to us on our contact page.